02.02.2023 Latest news from the European Commission.


The bond between Ukraine and the European Union is growing stronger, day by day. It has been almost one year since Russia launched its brutal invasion. One year of fighting for freedom but also of legendary bravery by the Ukrainian people. And one year of impressive unity by the global community.

Europe has been by Ukraine’s side since day one. Ukraine can count on Europe to help rebuild a more resilient country that delivers on the Ukrainian citizens’ dream to join the EU.

Today President von der Leyen with 15 members of the College of Commissioners and President Zelenskyy with the Ukrainian government met in Kyiv. This historic meeting strengthens the cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. They are in Kyiv to show that the EU stands by Ukraine as firmly as ever.

The determination of Ukraine to forge ahead on its European path is amazing. Ukraine is taking notable steps forward to meet our recommendations, while at the same time fighting an invasion. European Union, will continue to support these efforts on making further progress.

Later this afternoon, members of the von der Leyen Commission will meet the members of the Ukrainian Government during a joint working session.

Together, we are stronger. Разом ми сильніші!