The Hellenic-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Sweden in Athens co-organized the annual Christmas Celebration which was hosted at the Ambassador’s residence on December 12, 2023.
The evening started with a welcome speech by H.E. Ambassador of Sweden to Greece Johan Borgstam, and the President of HSCC, Ms. Rania Patsiopoulos. Both whole-heartedly welcomed the esteemed guests and referred to the excellent collaboration as Team Sweden over the past year.
Guest of Honor for the evening was H.E. Mr. Costas Fragkoyiannis, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The minister gave an inspiring speech, emphasizing on the strong bonds & trade relations between Greece and Sweden.
Our esteemed members & guests got to enjoy the traditional Swedish Christmas delicacies as well as networking. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our members who joined and contributed to the vibrant evening.
The Board of Directors of HSCC wishes all a happy holidays & a prosperous new year 2024!
Gud Jul & Gott Nytt Ar!
Embassy of Sweden in Athens